June 14, 2007


More than 10 years after the Karabakh cesaefire it appears that officials in Armenia and Karabakh are just now starting to seriously talk about the need to resettle the seven regions under Armenian control that surround the NKR.

Lately, there appears to be no scarcity of bureaucrats, political commentators and ideologues that have taken up the banner to urgently tackle the resettlement issue. They're all over the media. It would appear that since the meeting between Kocharian and Aliyev in St. Petersburg was a bust, there is some empty space to fill with all type of conjecture and hyperbole.

The other day we attented a public meeting where the Kashatagh issue was debated and discussed by Baghdasaryan of Hetq and the Editor of the ARF Droshak publication, Khanlaryan. As to be expected the ARF mouthpiece wasn't able to cite what his party has accomplished in Kashatagh when he was pointedly asked to do so. As Baghdasaryan noted, its mostly been the diaspora that's involved in working in the liberated lands. And this is mostly thru non-traditional organizations like the Monte Melkonian Fund and others.

It seems that all this talk is 10 years too late and too little!!!!!


At June 29, 2007, Blogger Sheikh Koskhol said...

The expression, a cliche, really, is "A day late, and a dollar short."


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