September 15, 2006

" New York Times " Calls For Greater Engagement With Turkey

(14.09.2006; Washington, D.C.)

The New York Times, in its editorial of September 10th, had the following to say regarding U.S. - Turkish relations,

" The United States would be wise to create many more and varied opportunities to engage with Turkey, a longtime ally, and a uniquely important one. Turkey is a predominately Muslim, secular democracy, situated between Europe and the Middle East. After years of trying to make amends for having suppressed its Kurdish population, often brutally, Turkey has seen violence resume of late. The United States needs to frankly acknowledge that instability in Iraq, on Turkey's southeast border, has fomented instability in Turkey. That morally obligates the United States to help with corrective actions."

Further on, the editorial speaks about how Turkish public opinion has cooled to the idea of further integration in Europe via accession to the European Union and cites the cold-shoulder Turkey has lately received fro various European countries. Here's the passage in question.

"As Turks see it, their support over decades for the West and for democracy has been rewarded with severe regional tension brought on by the United States, and by a cold-shoulder, particularly from France and Austria, ever since Turkey qualified for European Union accession talks."

(Medz Mher: We would like to ask the editorial board at the NY Times the following...)

Who ultimately is responsible for the instability in Iraq? What country invaded Iraq in the first place? As for the instability that the NY Times laments in Turkey...What country has been closely cooperating with Turkey's military establishment since the end of World War II, providing it with billions in destructive military power which it has mainly used against its own citizens, Turks and Kurds alike. Any instability present in Turkey stems from the failure of successive regimes in Ankara to address the Kurdish question in political terms, and not through military might.

Finally, regarding the cold-shoulder treatment Turkey has received from France and other European nations... While SASSNA DZRER believe that these countries are at heart opportunists (remember France and the debacle in Cilicia 1918-1920), contradictions sometimes do arise between the national ruling elites in Europe and Turkey . Such rifts are evident today, whereby some European nations, notably France, are raising the issues of Cyprus and recognition of the Armenian Genocide as prerequisites for Turkey's entrance into the European Union. Whatever the underlying motivation for raising these issues, one would think that the NY Times would view the continuing Turkish occupation of northern Cyprus and the recognition of the Armenian Genocide by Turkey as issues that need to be addressed before Ankara is rewarded for "services rendered" by being granted entre into the European Club.


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